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文:MenClub 魏文青  
POSTED ON 12 Jun 2015
作為一個真漢子,裝咗個炸彈之後頭也不回慢步行開是常識吧?你諗下自己一身爆破裝、再加後面嗰一片火光、沖天嘅濃煙,真係型到裂啦下話!不過唔好話我教你哋裝炸彈呀,一陣就到我畀人告不誠實使用電腦架啦!我其實係講緊澳洲攝影師Pete Leong為駐沖繩美軍嘅EOD(Explosive Ordnance Demolition)小隊拍嘅型棍相啫!

Okinawa & Destination Wedding Photographer Pete Leong | fotoshisa.com: Military &emdash;
Okinawa & Destination Wedding Photographer Pete Leong | fotoshisa.com: Military &emdash;


Okinawa & Destination Wedding Photographer Pete Leong | fotoshisa.com: Military &emdash;
Okinawa & Destination Wedding Photographer Pete Leong | fotoshisa.com: Military &emdash;

Okinawa & Destination Wedding Photographer Pete Leong | fotoshisa.com: Military &emdash;
Okinawa & Destination Wedding Photographer Pete Leong | fotoshisa.com: Military &emdash;

Pete Leong On Fotoshisa

為慶祝美國時間9月26日「The Last of Us Day」(遊戲中嘅疫情爆發日),HBO今日正式公開第二季前導預告,唔知Joel嘅結局會否跟足原著呢?
【影視】《The Last of Us》第二季公開前導預告及角色海報
27 Sep 2024
由Ana de Armas主演嘅《John Wick》外傳電影《From the World of John Wick: Ballerina》繼年初宣布延期上映後,今日終於公開首部預告,拳拳到肉打鬥場面、刺激槍戰應有盡有,預計明年6月正式上映。 ... ... ...
【影視】Ana de Armas化身冷血殺手!《John Wick》外傳電影《Ballerina》預告出爐
27 Sep 2024